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BOOK I - Homepage

This page will essentially be the contents page for BOOK I. (There are two books in this series: a BOOK I and a BOOK II). Basically it'll be a list of chapters. Updated as I upload each one. Also, a little note on the artwork. As with many fantasy/adventure works of fiction, maps will be a feature of this book. The images I'm currently using are ones I knocked up way back in 2018, when I originally began to conceive the story. They're very basic and colourful. Personally, I quite like them. I like the child-like simplicity. However, obviously they're not very professional, and not quite in the mould of what would normally be expected from a published work. So I have mixed feelings. My current thinking is that I'll use these images for this blog (and perhaps an early, demo-like PDF version of the book), then try to upgrade to something more appealing to a general audience if and when I publish the book for real.

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